Monday, October 21, 2013

Mental Health Awareness

It’s me again, blog! 

Mental Health Conditions can affect anyone in any age group. There are several types of mental health conditions ranging from depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Those of which I believe teens are affected by the most. There are many types of ways people can get help with these diagnosis’ such as a seeking a psychiatrist, therapist, and lots of help and support from family and friends. 

Unfortunately, with tons of pressure on today’s youth from parents, friends, and school, it’s evident that 1/5 of this generation’s youth suffers depression. Although the statistics of how many of today’s youth are affected by depression is outrageous, it does not come as a surprise since depression is the most common type of mental health conditions. Depression is most times followed after being unhappy with one’s life or more commonly after the death of someone close, either a family or friend. Once someone has found themselves depressed it does not only impact one’s self but the ones around them too. Depression can lead to many other mental health conditions as well. Teens fall into depression for the most common reasons as well as bullying from their peers at school causing them to think low of them selves and have a low esteem. Depression can lead to teens doing self harm. I believe friends and family should pay close attention to see if someone is acting different or looks low constantly. If they are suspicious that someone could be on the verge of depression, the best thing to do is support them. 

Another type of mental health condition often seen with teens is Anxiety.  Teens face anxiety in many aspects of school and everyday life. Teens are clearly the most anxious during exams. Since exams usually take up 20-30% of a student’s final grade this gives them lots to stress about, especially during the last 2 years of high school when marks are crucial for getting  into post-secondary. School is important yet nevertheless youth face anxiety out of school too. Whether its pressure to fit in with a specific group or friends, or anxiety when meeting new people, teens may become anxious and start to throw up or excessively sweat. From my own experience, I can say that anxiety is one of the most normal types of mental health conditions out there. It’s okay to be nervous, although you have got to find ways to cope with your anxiety if it becomes persistent. The best way to deal with anxiety for school is studying or being prepared. Its normal to be nervous in front of people when you have to present projects or assignments, not all people are naturally good speakers. If you are not one of those who are oh so fortunate than the saying practice makes perfects strongly applies. Lastly, being anxious while meeting new people or trying to fit in happens to the best of us, so the best advice I can give and shall follow myself, is to be yourself, no matter what! 

Last but not least, the bipolar disorder is the most serious of the three. Speaking from own experience, I’ve witnessed people branch out to this mental health condition from depression and anxiety. It is probably the most hardest to deal with. Like all mental health conditions, people do not choose to be diagnosed with them yet it happens. A bipolar disorder causes one to have rational mood swings. They could be happy one moment and be completely angry the next. I believe teens are affected by this condition because the teen brain is still in stages of development and with lots of stress, pressure, and bad choices, teens can easily fall into becoming bipolar. There are pills and psychiatrists to deal with this condition but unfortunately with all this help the person may never go back to being the same person they were before they were diagnosed. 

Nonetheless, support is always needed. I believe that support from family and friends is more important that the pills and/or the psychiatrists. People with mental health conditions require the need to know that people care for them in their lowest points even though their brain might not choose to show it. 


  1. After reading this blog about mental health, i have learned many more things. I especially enjoyed the fact that you touched on the main most known mental health disorders that effect the youth.

  2. Nice entry! Lots of detail and great explanations. I like the way you managed to discuss such a controversial topic with ease. Do you know anyone personally who has been or is affected by a mental health condition? If yes, how did you cope with it?

  3. Usually at the age of 10 on my age i texted my friends that who has social anxiety and they said no none and i said i have anxiety due to hate life is stressful my classmates said don'
    t talk to us and that shattered my anxiety inside
