Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Silent Secret

Miranda was a young girl who was very mysterious. She loved sitting all alone in the classroom. 

No one talked to Miranda. 
Miranda talked to no one.

Those were the rules at Poppyville Middle School. Poppyville had a bad reputation. The town was eerie and abandoned. The population consisted of only 250 people. Hence, when something happened word spread like the speed of light. 

One Friday afternoon, news spread that a new family was in town. The entire town was eager to see who the new family was. 
But not Miranda.

The family who moved in had a young boy around Miranda’s age. 
The young boy, named Richard caught a short glimpse of Miranda while he was moving in and he was the uttermost curious about her. He thought she was the prettiest creation ever made. 

Therefore he started a 3 day plan to make her talk to him. He heard about her silence from the other students at school and was determined he could make her talk to him. 

He was more than interested in this so called “secret” and told the whole student body that in 5 days he could find out what Miranda’s secret was. 
If he didn’t then the student’s would think of their own consequences for Richard. 

Day 1 of Richard’s plan was to go to Miranda’s home and drop off a letter expressing his love for Miranda. 
The letter was filled with tons of compliments and expressions of love.

Richard was convinced that if Miranda knew he liked her she wouldn’t mind talking to her. 
All of the students at Poppyville doubted that Richard could make Miranda talk and find out the secret. 

Sunday morning, he went over to Miranda’s home and shaped the letter in the form of an airplane. He threw the letter to Miranda’s bedroom window which was slightly open. 

To Richard’s success the letter just barely made it through.

After coming home Richard began to obsess over figuring out this secret, and spent his time up all night thinking of what exactly Miranda’s secret was. He thought of many potential secrets such as, Miranda being shy or afraid of something, rather someone. 

Millions of reasons popped into Richard’s head but it was time for lights out and more importantly getting ready for Day 2. 

The second day of Richard’s plan involved getting Miranda to go to the neighbourhood park with him. He knew this was a challenge yet he was determined to make her say yes. As he approached Miranda’s door he began to get a little anxious. Finally he knocked on the door three times.

Knock, Knock, Knock

He waited for about 2 minutes until the door began to slowly open…
Miranda looked even prettier than she did the day Richard moved into town and laid eyes on her.  

As he asked Miranda to come to the park with him she shook her head in silence.
Richard was about to leave in disappointment until he came up with a plan to recite his letter. He thought to himself “Maybe she didn't know it was me?”.

While he was halfway done reciting the letter, Miranda’s eyes began to widen and even shed a tear or two. She covered Richard’s mouth and led him to the park. The two spent the whole afternoon joyously playing tag, hide and go seek, and swinging on the monkey bars. Yet, despite all this fun, one thing remained…


Richard was appalled that Miranda’s still hadn’t said one word. But it was getting late and Richard wanted to stick to his plan. Getting Miranda to talk was on the to do list for Day 3.

As it got late Richard walked Miranda home and she gave him a quick hug right before she went inside. He began to really develop feelings for Miranda and he was psyched to tell everyone at school about his day with Miranda.

Since there was no proof of Richard’s so called day at the park with Miranda no one believed him. Everyone at school thought he was bluffing. Richard became frustrated and began to careless about what the students had to say. His only motive was to now figure out why Miranda does not dare speak.

After school, Richard went over to Miranda’s home as he approached her door he knocked again 3 times..

Knock, Knock, Knock

Richard waited for about 5 minutes but no one answered. This was peculiar since Richard swore he saw Miranda at school today. As he was about to leave he noticed a letter sitting on Miranda’s front bench with Richard’s name on it..

The letter read..

I can speak in one form only…

I can speak…


- Miranda

Monday, November 11, 2013

Lest We Forget

Remembrance Day is the one day of the year that we dedicate our thoughts to the ones who fought for our peace. Although we should think about them daily, this special day of memorial reminds us of the bloodshed and hardships that soldiers and their family faced. Not only do we think of the past but also the present and the many soldiers fighting in the army right now.

This day deserves the uttermost respect because we are to never forget those courageous men and women who have gotten us to where we are now. Fortunate. We are fortunate for many things that we take for granted, some of which is dedicated to veterans and the ones they've lost as well. First and foremost, we are fortunate to live in peace. There are still  war zones, yet I am thankful that I do not reside near those dangerous areas. In comparison to other less fortunate teenagers around the world, I can full-heartedly say that my life is considered lucky. I do not reside in a third world country and I am blessed with the different opportunities such as education, food, and a roof over my head. Those of which many of us take for granted in our everyday lives.

Therefore, to respect this important day, my family and I always wear the signature red poppy. The poppy is a symbol that represents  the bloodshed of the soldiers who fought and still fight in the war. Wearing this small token of importance shows our appreciation to those who have lost their lives and continue to fight. Although there has been speculation recently about changing the original red poppy to a white poppy. The means of this change is because the white poppy symbolizes peace. Honestly, I find this out of context and a reason for attention. We need to face the reality that when soldiers go to war there is bloodshed and by wearing this red poppy we abide by the truth. This particular change of thought reminds me much of the talk about changing our national anthem to “all of us command” replacing “all our sons” making it more gender-neutral. It’s thoughts like this that lead me to think that people do not consider more important issues around the world and think about petty arguments over Old English and covering up the truth.

All in all, Remembrance Day is a day that should be celebrated year round because there is not enough thank you’s that can be passed out to every soldier and their families for there help in serving for the country and the millions of people who can live in peace. Last but not least, LEST WE FORGET

Monday, October 28, 2013

Media & Its Toll On The Advertisement Industry

Considering that media is very influential in today's society, it plays a huge role in the advertisement industry. However, we may not consider that a piece of media such as billboards, shows, and/or movies advertise as much as commercials do. Unless you pay close attention, you will not see that certain company's are sold on the big screen. Whether its on an item of clothing, or food and/or drinks, brands and companies use these forms of entertainment to sell consumers their products. 

Billboards are the oldest form of advertisement. While passing by in your choice of transportation, billboards are almost everywhere to be seen. With technology advancing by the minute some billboards also play videos, which capture a consumer's eye even more. Ads are meant to persuade consumers into buying things, yet almost always consumers are persuaded into buying products that they do not need. 

TV shows and Movies usually carry the heaviest weight of advertisement. Not only do TV shows advertise within the show but every five minutes the show takes a quick break to show you at least 10 different ads. The typical 1 hour show is usually 45 minutes, meaning that the other 15 minutes were dedicated to show the audience many commercials of things that they most likely do not need. 

Movies that show on TV are the exact same and the duration of the movie feels like forever due to these pesky commercials. Although not all ads are worthless, some actually advertise things that consumers may need. When you're going to the movie theatres however they’re never used to be actual commercials other than the common coming soon promos & trailers but now there are a whole bunch of ads including newest technology ads, album ads, and more. Popular and even unpopular website have jumped on the bandwagon with tons of annoying little ads & pop-ups. One of the most popular sites YOUTUBE has become number one for showing ads before videos. Luckily sometimes these ads are skippable however some you'll have to watch for the duration of the ad. 

As much as ads may deem annoying they have strategies to appeal to their consumers. Those of which include using rhetorical tools & propaganda techniques. Persuasion is rhetoric therefore rhetorical tools are used throughout advertisements in the media to persuade consumers into purchasing their product/service. 

Ethos (also known as ethical appeal) is used in some commercials that incorporate propaganda techniques such as Appeal to Authority, Beautiful People or Cult of Personality. For example if David Suzuki, a well known environmentalist were to be selling a product for soil/fertilizer, chances are that the audience/consumers would be convinced and believe the commercial since it is using a person who is worthy of respect and knowledgable in the environment industry. Teens may also be targeted by Beautiful People or Cult of Personality because they are very much so affected by celebrities and the Hollywood World. They may also be persuaded by Bandwagoning because most Teens may do almost anything to fit in and join the bandwagon! Pathos is also used in many ads that persuade people to donate money to their cause. If they use images of kids from Third World Countries who suffer from diseases and/or famish it gives the audience an emotional appeal and somewhat uses the propaganda technique transfer to evoke an emotional response from the audience.

In their entirety ads may be overdone but think about it - If there were no ads nor commercials to advertise a product/service chances are that it will not sell as much. Lastly today’s food for thought.. Did you know that we each see more advertisements in one year than people 50 years ago saw in a lifetime ?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mental Health Awareness

It’s me again, blog! 

Mental Health Conditions can affect anyone in any age group. There are several types of mental health conditions ranging from depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Those of which I believe teens are affected by the most. There are many types of ways people can get help with these diagnosis’ such as a seeking a psychiatrist, therapist, and lots of help and support from family and friends. 

Unfortunately, with tons of pressure on today’s youth from parents, friends, and school, it’s evident that 1/5 of this generation’s youth suffers depression. Although the statistics of how many of today’s youth are affected by depression is outrageous, it does not come as a surprise since depression is the most common type of mental health conditions. Depression is most times followed after being unhappy with one’s life or more commonly after the death of someone close, either a family or friend. Once someone has found themselves depressed it does not only impact one’s self but the ones around them too. Depression can lead to many other mental health conditions as well. Teens fall into depression for the most common reasons as well as bullying from their peers at school causing them to think low of them selves and have a low esteem. Depression can lead to teens doing self harm. I believe friends and family should pay close attention to see if someone is acting different or looks low constantly. If they are suspicious that someone could be on the verge of depression, the best thing to do is support them. 

Another type of mental health condition often seen with teens is Anxiety.  Teens face anxiety in many aspects of school and everyday life. Teens are clearly the most anxious during exams. Since exams usually take up 20-30% of a student’s final grade this gives them lots to stress about, especially during the last 2 years of high school when marks are crucial for getting  into post-secondary. School is important yet nevertheless youth face anxiety out of school too. Whether its pressure to fit in with a specific group or friends, or anxiety when meeting new people, teens may become anxious and start to throw up or excessively sweat. From my own experience, I can say that anxiety is one of the most normal types of mental health conditions out there. It’s okay to be nervous, although you have got to find ways to cope with your anxiety if it becomes persistent. The best way to deal with anxiety for school is studying or being prepared. Its normal to be nervous in front of people when you have to present projects or assignments, not all people are naturally good speakers. If you are not one of those who are oh so fortunate than the saying practice makes perfects strongly applies. Lastly, being anxious while meeting new people or trying to fit in happens to the best of us, so the best advice I can give and shall follow myself, is to be yourself, no matter what! 

Last but not least, the bipolar disorder is the most serious of the three. Speaking from own experience, I’ve witnessed people branch out to this mental health condition from depression and anxiety. It is probably the most hardest to deal with. Like all mental health conditions, people do not choose to be diagnosed with them yet it happens. A bipolar disorder causes one to have rational mood swings. They could be happy one moment and be completely angry the next. I believe teens are affected by this condition because the teen brain is still in stages of development and with lots of stress, pressure, and bad choices, teens can easily fall into becoming bipolar. There are pills and psychiatrists to deal with this condition but unfortunately with all this help the person may never go back to being the same person they were before they were diagnosed. 

Nonetheless, support is always needed. I believe that support from family and friends is more important that the pills and/or the psychiatrists. People with mental health conditions require the need to know that people care for them in their lowest points even though their brain might not choose to show it. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Review On "The Book Thief"

                                                                                       Hello Blog!

            I have finally come to a conclusion of my class novel The Book Thief written by Markus Zusak! It was great and I can definitely say it was a book I thoroughly enjoyed. Now for a reflection/review of this novel, that I surely do recommend...

            As I mentioned in the blog that I wrote last month, I really do believe that Markus Zusak is a strong author. After doing a little bit of research on him, I found out that he is actually Australian, and grew up hearing stories about Nazis and Hitler so he decided he wanted to write a story of his own about that era. I think this novel connects to the course content, since we are learning about WORLD WAR II in this course and the history course as well.  The Book Thief takes place in Germany and we learn a lot about the history of the Führer (also known as Adolf Hitler) and his powerful Nazi Army. Honestly speaking, I think that he had quite a lot of actual-based knowledge about the history surrounding the setting of his novel. Zusak also chose the most interesting narrator, DEATH, that I mentioned in my previous blog. 

       The beautiful story told throughout the novel, although fiction, is surprisingly believable. Zusak writes about many true historic facts such as the camps, communists, hatred against jews, and the night of broken glass (kristallnacht). It also touched on many themes that happen in the real world, such as war, thievery, suffering, and more. In my opinion, all the characters were interesting and authentic. I think I myself, could compare to the protagonist of the novel Liesel Meminger. She is a young girl in an unfortunate time and setting but she has a deep love for books despite her many obstacles, including not being able to read/write and not affording books.  Fortunately, she finds a way to overcome both obstacles. I believe I could relate to Liesel because I as well, share a deep love for books, whatever the genre books fascinate me and help me escape to a fictional world. Not only do I share a love for books but I too face many obstacles in life. Although not the same obstacles, Liesel and I both find our own ways to overcome them. 

     Lastly, Zusak uses many forms of literary devices in his writing. One that stood out the most being, Symbolism. Books although some stolen, stand as a symbol of happiness and joy for Liesel. Since she lives in a very dark time and place and she is almost always sad or missing someone, books are a symbol of comfort and the littlest yet most important aspect of joy for the young Liesel Meminger!

All in all, I recommend this book to anyone who reads this blog! It is interesting and  I give it a 5/5 star rating! Great read & Be sure to check out the movie coming soon based on the novel!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Taking Part in WE DAY

On September 20th, I was fortunate enough to go to the Air Canada Center for  WE DAY.  We Day is an annual event organized by the Free The Children organization. With tons of motivational speakers and famous performers, WE DAY is a live performance that motivates young people to work together in making the world a better place. You cannot buy or purchase a ticket to WE DAY, you have to earn it.

This was my second time going to WE DAY.  Although, it was my first time at the ACC, so I was super excited!  The first time I went, was last April in Ottawa-Gatineau. I went with a group of students from my school and 2 teachers. One of the teachers had asked me if I was interested in coming on this Ottawa Trip that included tickets to WE DAY, and I did not hesitate to say yes! After witnessing and learning more about Free The Children and the things they do, myself and the group of students who went decided that we wanted to start a Me 2 We club of our own and earn ourselves tickets to return to WE DAY. With lots of determination we made it back, by participating in the WE CREATE CHANGE initiative of Free the Children  Collect $20 in coins, and your change can provide a brick for the construction of a new school". As a school, we collected about 450 pennies and earned our tickets to WE DAY. This is just the beginning and we plan to continue helping to make a difference locally and internationally. But more about what inspired this great goal, 
This year WE DAY was short, absolutely nothing! From an amazing stage to the most awesome line up, it was honestly a day to never forget. Performers ranged from Chris Hadfield, Martin Luther King III, the inspiring Spencer West, a man with no legs that climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, to well known performers such as Imagine Dragons, the Jonas Brothers, Austin Mahone and Demi Lovato. Not to forget, the Free The Children co-founders, as well as the two people that started WE DAY in the first place, brothers Craig and Marc Kielburger, of which Craig Kielburger first initiated when he was only 12 years old!

Personally, I had many highlights from the show, like seeing Darren Criss the host and a character from my favourite show Glee, a few people from Degrassi and Imagine Dragons performing their hit song Radioactive. The performance had many strengths such as the use of technology. Their were TV’s for each part of the audience to see with many short yet inspiring clips. One of the show’s greatest strengths was that it had a nice flow. In its entirety, there was never a dull moment. Although there were a few technical difficulties towards the end, which in my opinion were the only weaknesses that the show had. Each speaker had a particular ME 2 WE shirt which stood as the show’s costume! I myself purchased two Me 2 We shirts. These shirts have cool designs and there are many of them. The shirts also have an environmentally helpful slogan “BUY A TEE PLANT A TREE”, so for each shirt bought, Me 2 We plants a tree. 

All in all, WE DAY is exceptionally mind-changing and effective. It gives you a new perspective towards helping the world and those less fortunate. Each speaker had their own story that grasped every person in the audience, child or adult, everyone was drawn into the inspiring tales of triumph, struggle, and offering a helping hand. Ultimately, I believe the message being sent to thousands of people through the live performances, motivational speakers, and inspiring clips is BE THE CHANGE. Free the Children stands by that motto and coincidentally so does DSSS. I believe that the students of DSSS would benefit from having motivational speakers come to their school to give them a new outlook on life. The motivational speakers don’t only have to be talking about changing the world but they can start on many topics such as starting with changing yourself, staying on the right track, and keeping out of trouble. Furthermore, I’m beyond glad that I partake in ME 2 WE, and WE DAY. Free The Children is an amazing organization that has inspired myself and many others to BE THE CHANGE

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Technology in School

        Technology is taking over the world, one step at a time. With the new program BYOD, (Bring Your Own Device) occurring at many schools, it forces the debate of whether technology in schools is beneficial or just a distraction to students. 

      Students use technology almost everyday in their daily lives. They spend hours and hours surfing the internet and socially interacting with family and friends. Although incorporating technology in school may seem like it will provide the students a chance to become more interactive and engaged in their learning, it may also provide a way for students to be on their electronics for reasons far from their education. For starters, with bringing their own devices comes several boundaries that require being set by the teacher or administrative. If rules are not set about how, when, and for what to use the student’s technology, there is no doubt that the students will take advantage of having the privilege to bring their gadgets to school. They might text, tweet, or play games in class. I, myself can second that from my own experience. 
       Nevertheless, teachers are not the only ones to blame for the misuse of the devices that students bring to school. Students require self-responsibility with their own devices. Not only with how to use it in the classroom setting, but also how to be responsible of the whereabouts of his / her device. Equally important, is that students do not participate in any form of cyber-bullying amongst each other at school, or even at home for that matter. Students may text or tweet each other during classes negatively about another student. By using the now most popular social network Twitter, students can subtweet another person to make them feel bad. Subtweeting meaning when people tweet about another person without mentioning their “@” name. Since cyber-bullying has now become the most popular form of bullying of the 21st Century, it has caused many unfortunate students to commit suicide or hurt themselves physically and mentally. Students must have an amount of self respect and responsibility to do the right thing and use their devices for educational purposes.

     Overall, there are many more chances of technology in school being a distraction than it is being a benefit towards students. Nonetheless, there are still a few key factors that prove that bringing devices to school can improve the way students learn. Students are the leaders of technology. Since they have already added technology as a huge part in their everyday routines, adding the use of technology to school will improve the way a students learns. Dependent on the teacher’s way of incorporating technology as well, the use of devices in class promotes participation to students and engaging activities and lessons that students are actually willing to partake in. Students find technology fun and a form of entertainment, therefore if the staff at the school find a way to make learning fun and entertaining but also educational at the same time, it would be the perfect hybrid for success in students learning habits.

    All in all, there are still many tweaks to be made with the new BYOD policy that is taking place at schools. Just like many people in this world, schools are beginning to adjust to the grand take over of modern technology in society. Its still a working process but requires the effort of teachers and students to make bringing devices to school work in a positive way.